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Our team speaks the language of probate.
We understand the rules of engagement with the Probate Court and collaborate with the probate attorneys to ensure a smooth transaction.
We offer full service and manage all the details and meet your specific needs pertaining to the sale of the estate, conservatorship or trust’s real property.
Many of our clients live outside of the County of Santa Clara and the State of California. It is not uncommon that we never meet face to face.
Kathleen Daniels is a licensed California Real Estate Broker certified in probate and trust sales. Her core belief and business religion is that every client deserves to be treated with 100% honesty and transparency.
She has managed a successful real estate business since January 2003. Clients know Kathleen to speak from her heart and act from her head.
As an Independent Broker, Kathleen has no loyalty to a brokerage. Kathleen is the sole decision-maker for Need Probate Help. She owns the independent power to do things for her clients she got prevented from doing when affiliated with a big box brokerage.