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This probate sales activity report includes Probate home sales and Trust real property sales in Santa Clara County in July 2017. This report is comprised of statistical data from July 1st through July 31, 2017, extracted from our local Multiple Listing Service (“MLS”) as of August 1, 2017. The data includes single-family homes, condominiums, and townhouses.
Probate & Trust Real Property Sales July 2017
- 2 Active properties for Sale
- Both single-family homes
- Both probate sales
- 17 Pending Sales (Under Contract)
- 14 single-family homes and 3 condominiums
- 16 are probate sales and 1 trust sale
- 10 Sold Homes
- 9 single-family homes and 1 condominium
- 9 were probate sales and 1 trust sale
- Average List Price: $867,289
- Average Sale Price: $897,750
- Average Days on the Market: 15
Looking at “averages” only gives us a snapshot of the entire market. Home prices vary all throughout San Jose and the entire Silicon Valley. The location and condition of a home will always impact value. This is true of all home sales not just Probate and Trust real property sales.
Probate Sales | Highest Price Home Sold
The highest-price home sold did not require court confirmation. It was a single-family home located in Mountain View 94040. It has 6 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and approximately 2,439 square feet of living space on an approximately 11,235 square foot lot. It was 54 years young. It was listed on June 1, 2017. The list price is $2,459,000. On June 9, 2017, the MLS reported pending status. On July 11, 2017, it was reported sold. The final sales price reported was $2,530,000. The buyer had conventional financing.
Probate Sales | Lowest Price Home Sold
The lowest-price home sold did not require court confirmation. It was a probate sale managed under IAEA. It was a condominium located in San Jose 95111. It had 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, and 822 square feet of living space. The condo was 34 years young. It was listed on May 2, 2017, for $358,888. On May 23, 2017, the MLS status was changed to pending. On July 7, 2017, the status changed to sold. The final sales price was $350,000. The buyer had conventional financing.
Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist
While many aspects of probate sales may be similar to a non-probate sale of real property, a Personal Representative is well advised to seek a qualified real estate agent to represent them in the sale of a probate and trust home. We live in a highly specialized world today. Hiring a Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist is just as important as hiring an attorney who specializes in probate.
If you need an attorney who specializes in Probate I am happy to recommend one. If you already have an attorney and simply need help with selling probate real estate then give Kathleen Daniels a call. I may be reached at my office at 408.972.1822 or on my cell at 408.499.8751. If you prefer, you may request a consultation. We are here to help.